Wednesday, May 6, 2009

seems there are two baby sister poems

  • Dear baby sister /you're only forty / a line from Elizabeth /I want to hold you / oh no / how good you've grown / and no one knows /li' sis /the skinny one who eats french fries /whose head's on backwards / the good one /the good sister / the leah / the les / the more / you will find love /in your backyard again / between the stones and the blades of grass you whiustle in Central Park through / CENTRALI / YEAS MY VISION SAYS YOUR MATE'S IN sAN sALVADOR / HE'S BLIND BUT he knows your eyes / when you gonna stop pushin; /jus'cept the dayz n' nights / long though sometime they seem /lil' sis /the one who tried crack cocaine /married the INDIAN man jus' to help him immigrate / married the man with the son / the one whose jewish and alone /lest she lose her heritage /my sister /the one with the marble eyes /pink skin / and golden hair / the one who stretches her body up and sideways / Inside and out / my you are some woman / you didn't have to be sent away / you ran away /with pigtales /and a pack on your pack / no rosebud hands / they never let us go /they wanted our power /and they held us back miss les /Miss Les /miss le/ah /le /ah /your eastern religions took growth in you and not one fuckin' person knew /you were cut /and were taught /no one understood / you are

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